Application Development - Pricing
- $40 an hour minimum - I charge a minimum of $40 an hour depending on what it is you want me to do.
We can try and estimate your project, and especially for a small one I might give you a fixed price.
But any project that takes longer than a week is too hard to estimate accurately.
If I have to learn how an existing system works,
there's almost no way I can figure out how much time it will take to learn,
much less perform something useful, on your application.
- $75 an hour - If your needs are in an area of my expertise.
These areas include:
- Custom databases and file IO
- Vertical market software
- Critical systems requiring exceptional reliability
- Device communication (Serial IO, Sockets, telephony ...).
- High flexibility for systems that need to evolve dependably over time
Bite Size Pieces - I will suggest very strongly that we take any larger project in bite size pieces.
Budget maybe a day to have me just look at what you've already got and decide where to go from there.
Decide on a simple task and we'll see if I can get it done in a specified time.
If it doesn't work, you can decide whether you want to keep going with my services and you're out very little.
If it does work, then we go the next step.
Jon Fernandez
720 South St. #142
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel. 808.227.3690