Web Sites Authored
My own site is a bit generic as I don't know if you are an eCommerce vendor to fortune 500 companies or a crystal healer.
So please browse through the sites I have authored (or any others you find on the web) to help find a look that pleases you.
Pictures & Animations - You will notice the way that I generally border and shadow my pictures,
as well as the use of animations to create movement on a web site.
Blogs - I provide a blog mechanism that my customers can include in their sites.
With it, the customer can maintain their own articles that they want to provide.
Look on Professor Deering's site for an example of his "Occasional Thoughts".
Shopping - I also have my own shopping cart mechanism that I created which can be modified in any way that's needed.
The most complex and involved site I've worked on so far.
Fortunately the client is a delight to work with as this is
one of those projects that just about tripled in scope once we got started.
Numerous issues were addressed including cross browser compatibility, many
pictures and picture cleanup, and animations.
Spiritual Crystal store front
There were some complex animations that went into this site.
Go to the "Gallery" - "Facets" link to see some nice graphics and animations.
The menu mechanism also took a lot to get working on all the main browsers.
Lots and lots of picture cleanup.
Many animations and fade effects.
Lots of time spent on the layout and text.
Endless hours and research spent on cross browser compatibility.
This shows up generally the same and cleanly on IE, Firefox, and Safari.
Numerous seemingly insurmountable hurdles were surmounted before this site was finished.
A delightful artist's site that features just a lot of picture cleanup and layout.
When the site was done Robin asked me how many pictures were in the site.
She thought around 35 but it was something like 120 (and still growing - you go girl).
The pictures took the most time, especially when we changed the
background color and all the shadows I put on the pictures no longer worked.
Check out the front page "map" that allows you to click on the
different sections of the site. Of course this is an old browser technique but
the picture came together cleanly enough that my mom thought it was an actual
photo of a gallery Robin had her work in.
Artist's store front
The complexity of something like this really depends on the number of pictures as cleanup of 100 pictures takes
exactly twice as long as 50 would.
This site features a front page clickable map that took awhile to create a nice, clean look.
Other than that (front page and picture cleanup) this is actually a fairly simple site to emulate.
A non-profit Hawaiian organization that I am also a member of.
This site features animations and lots of time spent on the layout and changing picture motif.
There was a fair amount of text editing and picture cleanup as well.
Political and cultural organization presentation
Lots of text to deal with as well as the torch animation and cleanup of all the pictures.
If I'm given all the text, pictures and layout in an easy to handle format,
this site isn't that difficult.
The basic site was medium weight,
but it took a while to figure out which streaming media format to use for the lotus blossom so that it doesn't take forever to load initially (not the format you'd expect).
It took a moderate amount of picture cleanup to do this site but nothing extra fancy.
Nutrition services presentation
Logo animation, picture cleanup, and shadowing as usual took the most time.
The basic site was medium weight, but the blog that I created for Paul to add his "Rants" took about a week.
This basic mechanism is now available for other sites however,
so that will speed things up nicely for anyone else that wants to provide one.
The blog system is secure and fully administered by the owner of the site.
The owner can enter their own themes, articles within these themes, and can upload an actual file as part of that article
(pdf or word format is the most standard).
Educational services presentation
Logos, picture cleanup and shadowing as usual takes the most time.
Adjustments to the blog mechanism if one is wanted will take extra time.
An international financial organization (now defunct). One of the features I
built into this site was an easy way to create duplicate sites, with each
member's picture and something about them on their own personalized site.
Lots and lots of pictures to layout and cleanup.
Many animations as well as the "mouseover - link" mechanism on the
front page.
There was a lot of text to deal with and arrange in a way that wasn't cluttered
and didn't look tedious and boring.
Financial Services Presentation
Lots of animated gifs
Lots of picture cleanup
Lots of text and time spent on the layout
Streaming Audio
As usual, if I'm given the text and pictures beforehand it really helps
(though I didn't have that luxury with this site)
This was my first web site and involved numerous technologies
that I didn't realize, when I started, that I needed to know:
CGI & Perl
JavaScript & Java
HTML (I thought I only needed to know FrontPage)
Animated Gifs
CorelPaint, CorelDraw, CorelDream3d (too bad this is no longer available)
RealAudio, RealVideo
This is a musician's web site that features sound manipulation, graphics and
Musician's Web site
Animations, scrolling lyrics, backgrounds, getting everything to look nice,
converting music to RealAudio, takes the most time.
If someone wanted lots of custom animations, different lettering effects, it
will take more.
A unique family friendly guided tour service of the island of Kauai.
The nice thing about this service is that it's run by a young local gal who grew up on the island,
and knows all the interesting spots where the locals like to hang out.
A T-Shirt and identity service business for a good friend. The actual site has
since been rewritten but was on the web for many years. This site features
animations and just lots of picture cleanup and layout. I had a great idea for
a product showroom that I wish there was a budget for.
T-Shirt printing store front
Lots and lots of picture cleanup and shadowing.
Lots of time spent on the buttons (though I would make the button panel cleaner
the next time around).
A fair amount of text and layout.
A masonry and water proofing contractor that features wood and concrete repair, especially termite damage renovation.
Renovation Contractor
Lots and lots of picture cleanup and shadowing.
A fairly simple site actually that didn't take that much time. A changing
picture motif and some picture cleanup took the most time.
Souvenier photo store front
Picture cleanup and shadowing as usual takes the most time.
Me! The original site wasn't that hard. All the typing took the most time but
of course you will give me everything all ready to go ;-)
I have since added some animations which can take up to 1/2 a day or more to do.
Programming services presentation
Picture cleanup for the changing picture motif took the most time.
Other than that it's just copy and paste text and set up the links.
Jon Fernandez
720 South St. #142
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel. 808.227.3690
Email: jon@jonfernandez.com